Psychiatric Research Unit

Psychiatric Research Unit, Region Zealand (one of five geographic regions in Denmark) is located at the New Psychiatric Hospital in Slagelse.
The hospital is situated close to the existing somatic hospital, and together the two buildings form a health campus for the entire Region Zealand, playing a significant role in health, education and research.
The hospital has 194 beds, an emergency department, outpatient clinics as well as facilities for research and education. In addition, a new high secure unit (the only one in Denmark) is located in the area and has 30 beds.
Psychiatric Research unit, Region Zealand is affiliated with University of Copenhagen, Institute of Clinical Medicine and University of Southern Denmark, Institute of Psychology. The Research Unit is also collaborating with University College Zealand.
The unit is responsible for all psychiatric research carried out in Region Zealand. three professors, several associated professors and senior researchers are employed. Currently we have 20 PhD-students.
A more detailed presentation of the hospital can be viewed at following webpage:
Care Services​
The hospital building is a beacon in terms of lighting design, and this forms an active part of the treatment and research into modern therapies.
Psychiatry, Region Zealand is responsible for all government based in-patient and out-patient psychiatric services (population approx. 820,000). All kinds of evidence based treatment is delivered by multidisciplinary staff teams of approx. 2,000 persons which includes psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, physiotherapist and administrative personnel.
​Training Resources
Medical students, student nurses and other health professionals are trained here as part of their university education at a regular basis in addition to training of PhD-students and the staff in general.
​Current Research Projects
Currently we have 20 PhD-students: metallization-based treatment of borderline personality disorder; outcome of cognitive behaviour therapy for patients with severe health anxiety treated in groups; ADHD; music-based therapy; inter-professional training; training through videos, mental health staff with user experience, Recovery. Working environment etc.
What would you say is the organisations special interests/skills are at the present time?
The organization’s special interest and skills are research in, user participation, assessment of risk, prevention of violence (de-escalation strategies), restraint reduction, mentalization based treatment, postvention, psychosocial rehabilitation, trans-diagnostic CAT and inter-professional training, early detection and intervention in first-episode psychosis, assessment and treatment of personality disorders, ADHD
We would like to collaborate with ENTER members on:
User participation in research
Recovery in acute psychiatric wards
First Episode Psychosis
Restraint reduction (Safewards, Trauma Informed Care and de-escalation).
Virtual world in mental health
Suicide prevention (postvention)
Relevant internet links from Denmark are (in Danish):
User partner organisations
Contact Information
Psychiatric Research Unit
6, Faelledvej
DK-4200 Slagelse

+45 58536070 (in Danish)
Contact person

Lene Lauge Berring
Head of Department

+45 28 56 29 21

​User Organisations