ENTER Young Researchers Webinar
14th May 2024 5-7pm (CET)
The ENTER Young Researchers Webinar took place on 14th May 2024 5pm-7pm (CET). Four young researchers discussed their research projects. The webinar focused on research ideas, beliefs about research actions in the future, collaboration between doctoral students within the ENTER network, and challenges which young researchers face today. The presentations were followed by a conversation on what the needs of young researchers and and how can the ENTER network can support young researchers.
Konstantinos Tsoukas
Co-production in health promotion. The perceptions among mental health service users in Greece.
The literature highlights the importance of supporting participatory approaches to health promotion, which take into account individual preferences. Co-production ensures the equal participation of service users in design, implementation, and evaluation processes.
Monika Bohinec
Trauma-informed social work in the context of the Slovenian social care sector: centres of social work and non-governmental organisations in the field of violence, mental health and addiction.
Social work is characterised by being involved in support processes for service users with various traumatic experiences (neglect, childhood trauma, violence, wars, etc.) that affect the functioning of people who seek help from social services, even if they do not address the trauma directly. Therefore, it is important that social workers and other professionals working in the social care field have knowledge of trauma that they can consider and use it in their work with people. Due to the mostly difficult life histories of social care service users, inadequate working and organisational conditions (as well as social policy frameworks), professionals may experience emotional and psychological
stress that is comparable to the symptoms of trauma (traumatic stress, vicarious trauma).
Beth Cumber
The Intensive Residential Outreach Care (IROC) is a new and evolving approach for children and young people experiencing complex psychological needs. The young people supported by IROC have often experienced disrupted early lives, adversity, and trauma resulting in psychological difficulties and significant issues with managing daily challenges including making and maintaining relationships. The IROC approach combines an outreach model of consultation, education, supervision, clinical interventions and support with a main goal of reducing admission to Child and Adolescent Mental Health hospitals. The aim of this research project is to better understand the status of support for the mental health of children and young people (CYP) with complex psychological trauma and vulnerabilities alongside an evaluation of the approach taken by the IROC team.
Theodora Anastasiou
Implementing Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) to Unaccompanied Minors in Greece: Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial.
Unaccompanied Minors (UAMs) face pronounced vulnerability owing to their exposure to significantly heightened traumatic events, particularly when contrasted with non-refugees or not separated from their families, minors. Their detachment from familial support exacerbates the challenges inherent in their immigration experience. Greece stands among the principal destinations for asylum seekers, with 2,130 UAMs recorded in February 2024. However, despite this influx, addressing the treatment needs of UAMs presents a significant therapeutic challenge due to the dearth of established guidelines or best practices, especially considering the high prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among this population.