Website Archive
Here you find a listing of all articles from the ENTER mental health website.

ENTER Conference 2022 Proceedings
The proceedings of the European Network for Training Evaluation and Research in Mental Health (ENTER) conference which took place online on June 30th, 2022 are now available.

ENTER Conference and AGM 2022:
Conference Programme Published
The European Network for Training Evaluation and Research in Mental Health (ENTER) is happy to announce the publication of the ENTER Conference 2022 which will take place online on June 30th, 2022. Click here for the programme.

ENTER AGM 2022 Advanced Notice
The European Network for Training Evaluation and Research in Mental Health (ENTER) will hold its AGM on June 30th, 2022. Click here for more details.

ERICA Project - Final Webinar
The European Network for Training Evaluation and Research in Mental Health (ENTER) is happy to notify you that the ERICA Project Final will hold its final webinar on Thursday 4.11.2021 / 14-17 CET. The focus of the EU funded ERICA Project (2019-2021) was to prevent and combat child maltreatment, by building the expertise of professionals concerning children living in families with child maltreatment risk. For more information on registering for the project, click here

ENTER Conference 2021 (Essen)
The European Network for Training Evaluation and Research in Mental Health (ENTER) held the annual Enter Conference in conjunction with the LVR Clinic and the University of Essen, Germany is now open. The conference explored the theme of addiction and substance related disorders. The conference was held online on September 15, 2021. Click here for the conference report.

ENTER Webinar 2021: Mental Health promotion in the Pandemic. June 10, 2021: 3 pm-5 pm CET.
Promoting positive mental health has never been as important as it is now amid the Pandemic. Mental health promotion is an area that ENTER has experience in having previously pioneered work in this area through the DG SANCO-funded PROMISE project aims that created 9 European guidelines for training of social and health care professionals. The project commenced in 2009 and concluded in 2012, with 9 European partners developing guidelines, resource kits and tools for evaluation. The project identified ten quality criteria for training care professionals in mental health promotion, adopting an interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach and at the time included people with mental health problems in evaluating, training, implementation, processes and outcomes. Read more

ENTER Webinar 2021:2 Empowering Mental Health Service Users: Lifelong learning, Integration and Empowerment. April 15, 2021: 3 pm-5 pm CET.
The EMILIA Project (Empowerment of Mental Illness Service Users: Lifelong learning, Integration and Empowerment) was a sixth frame-work European project conceived in 2005, with a goal to improve social inclusion for mental health service users through the development and implementation of a training programme based on Life Long Learning (LLL) principles. The focus of this webinar is to explore how the principles aspired to in EMILIA have taken hold 15 years after the initial project, and how the area of empowering service users has developed since the development of the project. The webinar will feature participants from the original EMILIA Project and explore emerging approaches to Service User Empowerment. Read more

Announcement: ENTER Webinar Series 2021
The European Network for Training Evaluation and Research in Mental Health (ENTER) is pleased to announce that it will continue its highly successful series of webinars in 2021. In the Year of the Nurse, and building on the theme of nursing in the pandemic ENTER held webinars on mental health nursing in the pandemic, nursing and new roles, nursing and new tech, nursing and addiction therapies and nursing and service user participation. In 2021 ENTER intends to hold another three webinars in additional its annual conference. Details to follow soon.

ENTER Webinar Series 2021: Webinar 1
Nursing and Service User Participation
Thursday, January 14, 2021. 3 - 5 pm CET.
The European Network for Training Evaluation and Research in Mental Health (ENTER) held its the fifth webinar of the Nursing in Mental Health series. In this webinar speakers representing various Mental Health perspectives reflected and shared their ideas on nursing and service user participation click here to Read more

ENTER Webinar Series 2020-2021: Webinar 4
Nursing and Addiction Therapies
Thursday, December 3, 2020. 3 - 5 pm CET.
The European Network for Training Evaluation and Research in Mental Health (ENTER) held its fourth webinar of the Nursing in Mental Health series. In this webinar speakers representing various Mental Health perspectives reflected and shared their ideas on Nursing and Addiction. Click here to Read more

ENTER Webinar Series 2020-2021: Webinar 3
Thursday 5th of November 2020, 3 pm-5 pm CET.
Due to the COVID_19 pandemic, the European Network for Training Evaluation and Research in Mental Health (EMH) decided to change the annual Conference ”Nursing in mental health: the changing role of nurses in mental health and psychiatry in Europe” planned in May 2020 in Paris to be a series of webinars. The Third webinar entitled 'New roles in Nursing' was held on Thursday 5th of November 2020, 3 pm - 5 pm CET For more information on the on the webinar, click on Read more

Second ENTER Webinar: Nursing and New Tech, October 8th

Due to the restrictions in place due to Covid-19, ENTER deferred its 21st conference which was to be held in collaboration with GHU Paris in Paris on the 14th of May 2020. Read more

20th Anniversary for ENTER
ENTER Held it's 20th conference and AGM in Bodø, Norway on the 13th & 14th June 2019. Read more

ENTER Conference 2019: Working together for new pathways in mental health​
ENTER has recently held it's 20th conference in Bodø in June 2019. Over 50 delegates attended who heard 20 presentations. The presentations can now be download here. Read more
1st March 2010
The year 2012-2013 saw the successful closing of the PROMISE Project on Training Professionals in Mental Health Promotion. The final conference took place in September 2012 at Middlesex University in London.

News archive
December 2018
Sexuality, Sexual and Gender Identities and Intimacy Research in Social Work and Social Care: Our colleagues, Priscilla Dunk-West and Trish Hafford-Letchfield at Middlesex University, have just published this important book. Read more.
November 2017
WHO/Europe policy brief on migration and health: mental health care for refugees: The WHO has recently published this informative brochure on migration and refugees which can be downloaded on their website at
"Mental Health, Refugees and Migration: ENTER´s 2018 conference will be held in Athens in collaboration with EPAPSY on the 24th May. The theme of the conference will be "Mental Health, Refugess and Migration". Submit your abstracts now: visit the conference website.
Irja Nieminen: The EMILIA Project: MScN Irja Nieminen defended her doctoral dissertation at theUniversity of Tampere on 20th of January 2017. Nieminen'sdissertation is important for ENTER Mental Health when the data for it were collected as part of the EMILIA project. Read more
ENTER Mental Health AGM 9th June 2017 in Zealand, Denmark: ENTER Mental health held their 18th AGM in Slagelse, Denmark. 13 of the 17 members were represented. Amongst other general business items the AGM discussed the further development of an “ENTER Academy”, research possibilities and a communication strategy.
(November 2017)
ENTER Conference 2017: In collaboration with the Psychiatric Research Unit in the Region of Zealand Denmark, there as a one day conference "The Virtual World & Mental Health" There were over 100 delegates at the conference who heard keynote presentations on amongst other things the “Virtual World: New Orders, New Disorders” and “Evidence Based E Mental Health”. Also, there were many presentations in the workshops. All the presentations from our 2017 conference are now available. Click here.
Statement of support for our UK Colleagues (June 2016)
Dear ENTER Members
The UK Brexit decision comes as a deep shock to us all. We are in dangerous times. The sea is rough. We must fight to keep the doors open. But as an initial reaction, as Chair of ENTER Mental Health, may I express my deepest solidarity with our three ENTER partners in the UK: Middlesex University, the Mental Health Foundation and the Social Dimensions of Health Institute. We stand by your side in these difficult times.
For ENTER, the symbolic implications are enormous. ENTER was founded in London in the year 2000: that is where our first Annual General Meeting took place. UK partners have been present and active in the Steering Group from the very start, right up to the present year. The first ENTER Chairperson was Peter Ryan from Middlesex. Peter remained in this position, making major contributions to the network in many different areas, for over 10 years. Peter was followed by Carmel Clancy in her role as Vice-Chair in charge of training. With Perth in 2006 and SDHI in 2016, Scotland has hosted two ENTER conferences. In 2016, the UK is the only country to have three members in our network (Poland and Denmark each have two members). The Mental Health Foundation joined us only in 2015, but already their representatives have made a real impact in our AGMs and Conferences. Our UK partners have been present in all of ENTER’s major research projects, from the very beginning. They have truly contributed to building a better Europe.
After the shock, let us look at the implications. What do we know? With regard to our membership agreement, our current UK members can continue to be members: “Member Institutions from countries that are members of the European Union will count for at least two thirds of the total number of Member Institutions”. However, with regard to accessing funding and participating in projects, things will no doubt be more complicated. Will the UK withdraw totally from the EU, and thus no longer be eligible for EU funding but eventually able to participate in projects if they bring their own funding? Will the UK seek to have certain aspects in common with Iceland and Norway, allowing them to participate in certain activities, including research and training? What will Scotland do? Stay in the UK or withdraw?
And what are the implications for our current projects? In 2016, ENTER has already submitted two projects for funding, both of which have UK partners. Camille_LA has 7 partners, 2 of which are UK institutions (Middlesex and SDHI). ERICA has 9 partners: again, 2 of them are UK institutions (again Middlesex and SDHI). In addition, the St Andrews research workshop decided, amongst others, on submitting a project in answer to the HORIZON 2020 call with Middlesex as lead partner. And we still have the GOLD project, again led by Middlesex, on our list of projects on hold, waiting for an appropriate call. What are the Brexit implications for these projects? Should we immediately start looking for substitute EU-member ENTER partners “just in case”? Should SDHI and Middlesex begin looking for other sources of funding in order to remain in these projects?
ENTER will have to decide.
But, again, beyond the shock, let us remain strong. ENTER goes forward. United. Together.
Tim Greacen
Chair of ENTER
June 2015
IIMHN/ENTER Mental Health 2015 European Conference: “Transforming Mental Health Services: Current trends across Europe”. Read more
Empowerment & Recovery
5th July 2014
See the EMILIA Project book "Empowerment, Lifelong Learning and Recovery in Mental Health: Towards a New Paradigm" published by Palgrave Macmillan.

EMILIA Training
1st March 2010
The EMILIA Training has an overall aim at improving the social inclusion of disadvantage groups such as mental health service users.
New website coming shortly
1st March 2010
The year 2012-2013 saw the successful closing of the PROMISE Project on Training Professionals in Mental Health Promotion. The final conference took place in September 2012 at Middlesex University in London.

ENTER Newsletter Archive
The aim of the ENTER Newsletter is to keep all members and friends of ENTER up to date on the latest developments both within the ENTER network and in the area of mental health in general. In each edition, we aim to present
a keynote article on a topic of current interest in mental health in Europe.
a description of a ENTER member site, of their history, their aims and missions, and their current projects and areas of interest.
and, of course, news concerning ENTER Network activities and events, such as our 2017 ENTER Conference in Zealand Denmark (9th June 2016) on the topic ofMental Health and the VIrtual World
Newsletter Links: