ENTER Mental Health Network
in collaboration with
Groupe Hospitalier Universitaire
Paris Psychiatrie et Neurosciences
“Nursing in mental health:
the changing role of nurses in mental health and psychiatry in Europe”
14 May, 2020
Paris, France
Call for Abstracts: 1st of December, 2019
Abstract Submission deadline: 31st of January, 2020
Acceptance of Abstracts: 29th of February, 2020
Key themes:
Nursing in mental health in different countries in Europe: Addressing the situation with regards to the evolution of nursing profession.
Other perspectives from users, family members, other mental health professionals and students relating to mental health nursing.
Task-delegation and mental health nursing
Innovative practices relating to mental health nursing in a post-migration society – Experiences from peer support, “housing first”, mobile and outreach teams
Education and training in mental health nursing
Web literacy in mental health nurses
Celebrating the international year of the nurse 2020.
(English form) Download the form for abstracts here.
Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGKHpNb0-hvot4_xBujfokko-KrUDoiftgBbr5pYZJ24abVA/viewform?usp=pp_url