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Association for Regional Development & Mental Health (EPAPSY)

The Association for Regional Development and Mental Health - EPAPSY is a nongovernmental, non-profit organization, which operates in the field of psychosocial rehabilitation and mental health promotion. EPAPSY currently hosts 174 people with mental health problems in 21 residential facilities and provides more than 14500 therapeutic acts through 2 mobile units, 1 day centre and 2 community action programmes. 


  • Established in 1988

  • It is funded by national funds (the Ministry of Health) as well as the EU

  • It operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Health, but functions under private law as a public body

  • Founding Member of Association of Families for Mental Health in Evia, N. Attica, Veotea,  of the Social Cooperative of N. Attica, Greek Network of NGOs for Mental Health


Care Services​
  • 1 Day Center in Athens

  • 21 Residential facilities for psychosocial rehabilitation in Athens (5), Chalkis (3), Lamia (2), Levadia (2), Trikala (2)

  • 2 Mobile Mental Health Units in W and NE Cycladic Islands


Click on the map below for locations



Training Resources

Long experience in training new professionals in psychosocial rehabilitations

Running annual programme for the training of general doctors in mental health

Running seminar on Empowerment of families and users at the Department of Psychology, Panteion University

Providing specific training on mental health to police officers, priests, social workers, educators


  • 2012, Regional WAPR conference “Psychosocial Rehabilitation in an Economic Crisis Context”

  • 2011, November 27-28, workshop “Rational use of psychotropic drugs” EPAPSY, Athens (Prof. C. Barbui)

  • 2011, November 8-10, workshop “Improving Quality of care and rights in mental Health” EPAPSY – WHO, Athens (M. Funk, N. Drew)

  • 2011, March 21-22, seminar on “Evaluation of Mental Health Services and Quality of Care” (Prof. B. Saraceno).

  • 2010, September 6-7, seminar on “Integration of Mental Health in Primary Health Care” (Prof. B. Saraceno).

  • 2010, March 12-13, seminar on “Management of psychiatric and child psychiatric disorders in Primary Health Care” (Dr. A. Barbato).

  • 2008, October 17-18, seminar on “Primary Health Care and Family in Crisis: comprehension, approach and management” (Dr. A. Barbato).

  • 14th European Seminar Comité Européen: Droit, Ethique et Psychiatrie. (2005). «Ethique et bonnes pratiques: positionnements», Chalkida, 28-29 May

  • EPAPSY and EMILIA Project (fp7) Consortium. (2008). Conference: Bridging the "Us and Them" Gap: Fighting for Our Autonomy", Athens, 3rd March.

  • European Network for Research and Training in Mental Health (ENTER). (2008). 9th Annual General Meeting and conference, Paros, 4-5 June.

Internet Links
Current Research Projects
  • Quality of care and protection of rights of people with mental disabilities in supported housing facilities (WHO QualityRights toolkit), 2014

  • Study of involuntary admissions and their legal status in the Psychiatric Hospital of Attica”, Athens, Greece, 2011-

  • Evaluation of human resources and organizational culture in a mental health organization, 2011

  •  “Social Exclusion and Mental Health in metropolitan Athens”, Athens, Greece, 2010 (in collaboration with Panteion University , Athens).

  • “Prevalence of Common Psychiatric Disorders in the general population of Paros and Antiparos Islands”.Epidemiological research, Paros, Greece, 2008.

  • “Mental health in general population: images and realities”. Epidemiological – Anthropological Research of the World Health Organisation (WHO Collaborating Centre of Lille) in collaboration with EPAPSY, Evia Island, Greece, 2004.

  • “Primary Health Care and mental health”. Multi centered research, Lead by Mario Negri Institute, 1990-1993

  • “Organization Des Soins en Sante Mentale Dans les Pays du Sud de la C.E.E.”, Lead by MIRE, 1988-1991



User Organistions
  • Association of Users “Self representation”, Athens
  • Association of Users “Rights – Obligations of People with mental illness DYPSA”
  • Association of Families and Friends for Mental Health, N. Attica
  • Association of Families and Friends for Mental Health, Patras
  • Association of Families and Friends for Mental Health, Athens
  • Greek Federation of Families and Friends for Mental Health
  • Athens siblings - Network of siblings of persons with Mental Ilness
Read more

EPAPSY Presentation


Funded Projects
  • Partner in the project GEMMA (Gender based Empowerment of Migrants through a Multiagency Approach), funded by the EC – Directorate-General Justice with a total budget 433.253€. Started 04.01.2016

  • Implementantion of the project Self-help, Networking and Therapeutic Support in coping with depression in urban and isolated areas 2014-2016, Funded by the EAA Grants through the Bodossaki Foundation, Partners  EPAPSY (leader),  Greek Association for Mood Disorders, Salten Psychiatric Hospital (Norway). Budget 263,000 €

  • Establishment of 9 sheltered appartments for people with mental health problems (2012-2014) Funded by the NSFR – Greek Ministry of Health, with a total budget of 1.800.000€

  • Establishment of “Intermediation Office” in Chalandri (2012-2014). National Network of Immediate Social Intervention to fight poverty. Funded by the NSFR – Greek Ministry of Labor, with a total budget of 58.000€ 

  • Empowering women and service providers: Domestic Violence and Mental Health (DAPHNE), 2010 -2012: Funded by the EC-Directorate Justice, Freedom and Security, with a total budget of 407.901€ and 21 partners

  • Mental Health Promotion Program for Children, Adolescents and Young Adults (2011-2013): Funded by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, with a total budget of 367.520€

  • Empowerment of mental health services users: Life Long Learning, Integration and Action (EMILIA), 2005-2010: Funded by the FP6, with a total budget of 3.399.994€ and 8 partners (

  • Networking and co-operation of the Mental Health Mobile Units and their interconnection with the primary health care system and the local municipalities, 2010 (8 months): Funded by the NSFR – Greek Ministry of Health, with a total budget of 80.700€

  • Psychiatric Residential Care Communities: Upgrading and Enhancing skills and competences for operators professional qualification (PSYCHORESCUE), 2005-2007: Funded by the EC-DLV, with a total budget of 459.969€ and 9 partners (

  • Ιntermedia project 2000-2001, Elpendu (IT) PROMI (SP), Savoir et Competence (FR) Promoción de la no discriminación en los medios de comunicación y a través de ellos. CODIGO: No.SI2.298898

  • Psychiatric Residential Care Communities: Upgrading and Enhancing skills and competences for operators professional qualification (PSYCHORESCUE), 2005-2007: Funded by the EC-DLV, with a total budget of 459.969€ and 9 partners (



Contact Information


68 Amarousiou Chalandriou St,

Marousi 14125 

+0030 2108056920

+0030 2108056921

Contact person

Panagiotis Chondros

Psychologist, Residential Facilities supervisor, President of Board

+30 2108056920 

Last updated: 19.06.2016

© 2024 ENTER Mental Health

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