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The Maria Grzegorzewska University

The Maria Grzegorzewska University  is a university of an 90-year-old teaching tradition. Among its biggest assets are highly qualified staff, diverse programs of study and improved conditions of studying (new premises as well as well good quality IT equipment). It provides a range of varied study opportunities including acquisition of respectful jobs which are highly demanded in the job market.Nowadays, APS  has approximately 7,000 students enrolled in both full-time and part-time study programs. In addition, the Academy offers various postgraduate programs which enable to acquire complimentary qualifications allowing working in education as well as other job tasks.Within the Special Education programmes we focus on training of teachers and teacher assistants to children, adolescents and adults with intellectual difficulties, hearing, speech or sight impediment, motor impairment, physical disabilities as well as emotional and behavioral disorders. Our pedagogical courses prepare for working both at school (a school pedagogue) and other special education centers. It also aims to educate in the general field of social pedagogy. This refers to family support services, cultural and educational activity in a local area, continuing education of adults, job counseling, community prevention (i.e. street education) and psychopedagogy of creativity, which is designed to prepare for non-standard educational work with children.Master degree program in psychology started in the academic year 2007/2008 at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Psychology at the Academy of Special Education has three specializations – Clinic Psychology , Community Psychologyand Development Support Psychology. As far as the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences is concerned, it is the first high education institution in Poland to have started a full-time social work study program. The course is designed to meet the needs of the growing population of the elderly, disabled or chronically ill who need professional care and support. The university educates professional social workers within a full study program, which is comparable to similar courses of the European standards (previously, social work faculty was incorporated into other social science courses).Beside educational activity, the university is involved in a wide range of interdisciplinary scientific research. In addition, APS  conducts various projects under the auspices of the European Social Fund. 

Contact Information

Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej 

Szczesliwicka str. 40

02-353 Warsaw


+48 22 589 3600


Contact person

Lidia Zablocka-Zytka


+48 22 589 36 00

Care Services​

APS  places great importance on the disabled students offering them variety of assistance


Care services are offered for disabled children and their parents as well as counselling for the students with mental health problems

​User Organisations
  • Alliance for  the Support  of Persons with Mental Illness

  • Support Group for Persons with Mental Crisis Experience “Trail”  


Training Resources


Internet Links
  • xx

Current Research Projects
  • Developing language creativity of preschool children by using "Storyline" and "Associations Pyramid" methods

  • The role of educational experiences and significant others on the path towards exceptional creativity in selected domains – biographical analyses based on interviews with contemporary Polish creators.

  • International projects on readiness for aggression



Last updated: 14.06.2018

© 2024 ENTER Mental Health

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